Monday, January 31, 2011

raspberry pancakes

Lemon zest + raspberries = some top notch pancakes. Who knew?

There's no photos, because the pancakes were hideously misshapen, however, they were delicious. I used a vegan pancake recipe from the Veganomicon cookbook... not my favourite, because they refused to separate from the pan. But the lemon brings out an amazing flavour in the berries. I'm sure a little lemon zest might be equally delicious with blueberries or strawberries. It'll take your pancakes from normal to a-MAY-zing. (And if you are looking for a delicious, non-vegan pancake recipe, there's one in that old classic, the dog-eared Joy of Cooking - it involves cornmeal and honey, and it's quite spectacular.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Springtime! Only two months away...

It's -30 out today, so what better pastime than to stay in bed and peruse online seed catalogues? I had some inspiration from a recent visit to The Stop's greenhouse at Wychwood Barns. That compost smell, the tiny green leaves ... I could make a list of the sites I'm going to be looking through, or I could direct you to these lovely ladies, who have already done a much better job than I could: