Saturday, August 20, 2011

berries galore

Nothing like an evening with Fleetwood Mac and a new (!) fridge full of berries. I went berry picking yesterday with my Mum at Andrew's Scenic Acres, out by Milton, and returned home with tons and tons of blueberries. Also in the spoils were a handful of raspberries, black currant juice, raspberry honey and six gorgeous gladiolas.

Now what to do with all this fruit? Well, it's a good thing I'm a prolific bookmarker; when you read as many food blogs as I do, it's hard to keep up with your recipe to-make list. I must have over 300 bookmarks in the 'food and recipe' folder. Sigh, one day.

Anyway, amongst the bookmarks, I stumbled upon this post from Tea and Cookies for raspberry curd. Now, I've made lemon curd and rhubarb curd, but never raspberry! The colour alone was enough to convince me. There seems to be 100 and 1 ways to make curd: eggs first, eggs last, butter cold, butter one tablespoon at a time, throw everything together in a faux curd (from my favourite Martha recipe for Lemon Squares - seriously, make this recipe! It will get you rave reviews at any pot luck). Tea and Cookies raspberry curd is a pretty simple affair, and it turned out delicious!

With the bucketfuls of blueberries, I started with a straight-up recipe from Canada Living: Blueberry Oatmeal Squares. The jury's still out on those, since they're still in the oven, and I had to make a few substitutions.

Recipes and photos to follow - you all know how food hates to be photographed at night. Gotta wait for that natural sunlight.

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